No need to take a trip to your local government office.
Apply for copies of your vital records online now!
Legal Disclaimer: Birth Certificate Copy is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with, owned, or operated by any government agency. Birth Certificate Copy is an independent preparer that assists with vital records applications. You can access the necessary forms and apply for vital records directly with the corresponding government office.
What are vital records?
Vital records are official documents containing information on major life events. They can be used as a form of identification or as proof of citizenship, and they may also be required to access other government documents and benefits.
Types of vital record include:
- Birth certificates
- Death certificates
- Marriage certificates
- Divorce certificates
Copies of these certificates can be obtained from the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the state where the event occurred. However, since vital records contain personal, identifying information about the person(s) on record, access is generally restricted to the person(s) on record and their immediate family members.
Requesting a copy of a vital record
When requesting a copy of a vital record, you usually have the option to apply for an informational copy or a certified copy. If you need to use the document for official purposes, like proving your identity or citizenship, you will need a certified copy. All U.S. citizens have the right to access copies of their own vital records, however, all states do charge fees for copies.
The application process varies by state, however, in general, you will need to:
- Complete and sign an application
- Provide proof of identification (or, in some states, notarization)
- Provide any additional information required by that state
- Pay the processing fees
- Submit the application and all documentation to the Vital Records Office where the event occurred

Vital record uses
You may need a copy of a vital record, particularly a birth certificate,
when you are:
- Applying for a passport
- Applying for social or government benefits
- Applying for a driver’s license or ID card
- Enrolling yourself or your child in school
- Applying for unemployment or other employment-related programs
At other times, it may not be necessary to provide a copy of a vital record. However, presenting a copy may facilitate the application process for things like credit cards or loans, as well some government programs or benefits.
Vital records are also highly useful for genealogical research and building family trees.
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Applying for copies of
Vital Records
Fortunately, it’s easy to apply for a copy of a vital record when you use our online application system. All you have to do is fill out the online form, then follow the personalized instructions we provide. We’ll prepare your application package, and all you have to do is mail it to the Vital Records Office.
The vital record copy that you receive will be valid for official use and it will be mailed straight to your home. No trip to the Vital Records Office necessary, and no standing in long lines.
Your application will also be reviewed by our team of experts. They will ensure that your application is error-free and will be accepted the first time, without delays. Order your birth certificate online now, and make that you have it on hand when you need it.

Uses of ID Documents and Vital Records
There are several instances in which a U.S. citizen may be required to present a vital record, such as:
- Applying for a passport
- Applying for a Social Security Card
- Obtaining a driver’s license or a similar form of ID
- Registering a child in the school system
- Registering for employment-related securities
There will also be times when even though it is not necessary to provide a copy of a vital record, it will be extremely beneficial. Presenting a copy of your vital record will facilitate application processes such as those for credit cards or other memberships, and some social benefits.
Additionally, applying for vital record online certificates is common for those researching their genealogy, since it allows them to obtain multiple documents and save time.
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How to Obtain Vital Records
Obtaining a copy of a vital record certificate the old way —where you were required to wait in line for hours— takes time, effort, and can be very stressful. Thanks to our quick and easy to complete online vital records application form, we have made the sometimes strenuous process of requesting a vital record secure and straightforward.
To obtain your online vital records, all you have to do is fill out the online form and follow our personalized instructions so you can mail your application and get your birth certificate delivered to your home.
In some states, we offer done-for-you services, which will gradually become available in more locations. Our premium service allows you to fill out a quick form and have the official vital records delivered right to your doorstep.
Order Your Vital Records Online
Get your vital record online easily and quickly from the comfort of your home in just a few steps:
- Fill out the easy-to-use web form with the certificate holder’s details such as their name, date and place of birth
- Print and sign the application after our team has revised it to ensure it is error free and can be issued on the first try
- Mail the form with the required documents by following our personalized instructions
Texas and New Jersey citizens can entirely skip the second and third steps and directly receive their vital records at home without the need to mail their form.
Make your application for an online vital record certificate to use as proof of identity.
Each application is reviewed by our team of experts to make sure there is no information missing and that everything is correct. This way you will avoid delays and get exactly what you are looking for when you order your birth, death, marriage or divorce certificate online.